Monday, September 26, 2016

The Baby

Super quick review for THE BABY.

I recently re-upped on my SHUDDER account, so I'll be side viewing some movies while I get some production work done leading up to Halloween. Films like THE BABY are perfect for this. There are not a lot of big visuals to concentrate on, just some great, gritty dialogue to laugh through while working. heheheh

The Baby is about a special needs man in the care of his Mother and two sisters. When a social worker shows up for her assessment of the situation, she gets to see what's really going on with the situation.

This is classic 70s grindhouse style goodness. The daughters are sexy and evil. The Mother is awful and growls out her lines between clenched teeth beautifully. The social worker sits atop her soapbox and preaches expertly. It's just full of camp goodness. It would be perfect for a party with pizza and adult beverages. :)

Fun and wacky stuff!

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